- Easy Snap band welded with R+ buccal tube 1st Molar Easy Snap bands, Pre -welded with R+ series non-convertible Buccal Tubes
- Easy Snap band welded with R+ buccal tube 1st Molar Easy Snap bands, Pre -welded with R+ series convertible Buccal Tubes
- Super Snap band welded with R+ buccal tube 1st Molar Super Snap bands, Pre -welded with R+ series non-convertible Buccal Tubes
- Super Snap band welded with R+ buccal tube 1st Molar Super Snap bands, Pre -welded with R+ series convertible Buccal Tubes
- R+ tube+Super Snap Band 2nd Molar Easy Snap bands, Pre -welded with R+ series non-convertible Buccal Tubes
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